SEPTEMBER 11, 2023


  1. Returning members-you may have a packet of music with your name on it on the table.  Please pick it up.
  2. If you are missing music after checking the folder contents list that was sent last week via email, fill out a yellow card and leave it on the table with all the paperwork.  We’ll get the music to you as soon as we can.  Share a part in the meantime.
  3. We could use some help making copies of music after each rehearsal today. If you can stay for a few minutes, please let Lynn know in the morning; Della in the afternoon.
  4. Plan ahead for our outreach performances: only solid Manhasset-like stands are to be used.  You can find folding stands in a bag on Amazon under various brand names.
  5. Also, please pay attention to names on stands during rehearsals if you borrow one.  Take a stand that belongs to WMNHME so you don’t take someone’s stand who will be looking for theirs!
  6. For returning members: there are labels on the back table for your music folder.  Peel off your label and affix it to your folder.
  7. There is a get well card on the table for Nancy, who has Covid now.  She hopes to be back next week.


     8. German Band begins their rehearsals next Monday, the 18th.  If you haven’t been in contact with             Conductor Dave LaRowe, please let him now you’d like to play.  The schedule of rehearsals and per-      formances has gone out via email.  A master copy is on the back table.

      9.  If you have not paid your dues yet, fill out a registration form today and give it AND your check to        Roger or Lynn.  You can also mail it in ASAP to our PO Box.

     10. A REMINDER: you can see these announcements each week on our website under “Member Area”.             Also, the Monday rehearsal order is available in this spot too – usually by each Wed.

     11.  Please remember to feed our coffee kitty!