- Please put the sheet with your name on your stand for the first few weeks to refresh everyone’s name recall! If you need a new one, it will be on the back table
- Check the information table for sign up sheets: everyone should sign up ONCE each semester to bring a treat to share. It is helpful to have two donors each week. Also, sign up if you know that you will have a planned absence this season like a vacation.
- At the end of rehearsal, please put your music stand back on the stand cart, discard your coffee cup and other throwaways by your chair. Don’t just walk out when the rehearsal is over! We need people to help clean up after coffee and snacks, put the stand carts away, etc. Please DON’T throw food trash in the recycle bin! Everyone needs to do their part to set the space back for the church’s use.
- Plan to make a donation to the “Coffee Kitty” each semester. We use this petty cash to purchase coffee – but also paper products and emergency treats for days when they are forgotten. You can make a lump sum donation or pay periodically but your financial support allows us to have treats and a potluck each semester.
- Make sure that you have an up-to-date “Emergency Form” in your folder. Blank forms are on the back table along with legal envelopes with a colored dot on it-for easy recognition. Make sure this is ALWAYS in your folder in the case you have a medical emergency during rehearsal or an outreach event.
- If the building door near the rehearsal room is closed when you arrive, it is locked. Please then park near the main entrance, and ring the bell. Someone will let you in. This is a locked facility!
- There is a sign up sheet on a back table for the Whipple’s music evening.